
查狗网 367 2023-05-17 10:11:01


1. Introduction

Cats are known for their adorable and quirky behaviours, one of which is the "kneading" or "making biscuits" action. This motion involves a cat rhythmically pushing its paws in and out against a surface, often accompanied by purring. This behaviour is often referred to as the "milk treading" action or "cat kneading bread".

2. Origin of the Behaviour

The cat kneading behaviour has its roots in a kitten's early life. Young kittens knead instinctively while nursing on their mother's teats. The action helps stimulate milk production and secretion and helps the kitten get the necessary nutrients.

3. Reasons for Kneading Behaviour

Even as adult cats, the behaviour of kneading continues to manifest. While the behaviour is linked to their nursing instincts, adult cats also display this behaviour for other reasons, including:

3.1 Territorialism

Cats are known to be territorial animals, and kneading may be an action to mark their territory. When a cat kneads, it produces scents from the sweat glands found in their paw pads, marking that particular area as their own.

3.2 Comfort and Relaxation

Cats knead when they feel comfortable, safe or relaxed. It gives them a sense of security and warmth as they associate it with the comfort of their mother while nursing.

3.3 Stretching and Strengthening Muscles

Cats use their claws to knead, helping them stretch and strengthen their leg muscles. At the same time, the action can also help relieve stress and anxiety.

3.4 Showing Affection

Cats tend to knead on humans as a sign of affection. They equate the act of kneading with fond memories of nursing on their mother.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, the "kneading" or "making biscuits" behaviour exhibited by cats has different interpretations that vary depending on the context. It could be an instinctive behaviour, a way of marking territory, and a way of showing affection. Whatever the reason for the kneading, it is an endearing behaviour that further cements our love for these adorable creatures.


